Disposable Meal Trays With Lid – What’s that?

The disposable meal tray is the combination of small, medium, and bigger compartments inside the single-use plastic tray. The disposable tray comes with a plastic lid that fits each compartment separately so that chicken curry doesn’t mix with the curd in the next compartment.

The disposable meal trays are easier to manage and store. Imagine buying and storing two, three sizes of plastic containers and packing them separately for deliveries. Isn’t it is best if you buy and store only one box of plastic meal trays? You will use less storage since you only need to maintain one box of meal trays. The operations will be faster since your single tray has many compartments that are easier to fill and close.

The disposable meal trays we provide are 100% food-grade and doesn’t leach any chemicals with the hot food. The meal tray we supply is tried and tested many times across Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi customers. The brands available with us like Talash, Oracle, Max, Bhagwati, Natraj are very well reputed among the packaging industry.

When you have to serve different food items as a part of a meal, like in most Chinese or Indian meal deals, you would usually prefer 
food compartment trays, which are trays or plates with divisions to hold and separate the various food items. And this is precisely what a disposable lunch tray is. Now imagine if you could have lightweight, thin ones which can be thrown away once used? That is exactly what our disposable meal trays are! 

Cornstarch and Bagasse will be the eco-friendly alternative to the plastic disposable food trays with the compartment. Except for Bagasse, all other disposable food tray compartments are almost spillproof. The disposable thali with lid made from the Bagasse is not suitable for deliveries as the Bagasse gets soggy after 30 minutes with the gravies. 

Why Disposable Food Tray With Lid?

Disposable Meal Trays are the easiest way of packing and delivering meals with 2-3 vegetables, raita, salad, and chappati or Rice. Meal trays start from two compartments and go till eight compartments. Perfect fitting lid in the meal tray makes it almost spillproof. Delivery people prefer meal tray with lid as they can be stacked and easier to handle. 

Pirsq is a disposable food tray with lid supplier, supplying our custom meal trays in Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi and Pune. With our online ordering facility, user-friendly online support services, and timely delivery at your doorstep, you can rest assured that your shopping experience at Pirsq will be delightful and efficient.

Disposable Meal Box

With the single-use plastic ban in Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, the disposable plastic meal tray with lid are not the preferred food packaging option. 
The biodegradable paper meal box has gained popularity over time. The combination of the food-grade paper box and paper container along with the outer paper box works well and gives the premium feel to the customer. The premium packaging cost more as compared to its alternatives.
The aluminium container with the aluminum pouch and the outer recycled paper box keeps the food and fresh. The packaging solution is budget-friendly.

Types of disposable lunch trays

biryani packaging tray come in various shapes and sizes. They can be categorized based on the material type of the tray:
1. Plastic Meal Trays With Lid: These meal trays are being used for quite some time. You can get all shapes and sizes. They start from a single compartment and goes till 8 compartments.

2. Cornstarch Meal Trays:  Cornstarch meal trays are developed in the recent years. Not many options are available in the cornstarch. Three compartments and five compartments are available at pirsq.com as of now.

3.  Bagasse Meal Trays: Bagasse meal trays are being made for quite some time. But, Bagasse meal trays recently became popular in India. These meal tray looks attractive and is ideal for food courts. Bagasse meal tray won't be suitable for deliveries of as they tend to get soggy after 30 minutes.
Three compartments and five compartment bagasse meal trays are pretty standard.
